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Welcome to Viridis Home Energy Savings

If you want to save money by saving energy in your home then you're in the right place.

Viridis is all about just that - we want to help you to get more out of your household budget by really bringing down your home energy bills. Reducing the power you use, cutting your water bill, heating your home more efficiently and other simple home improvements will all save you money.

But don't take our word for it - try the Viridis home energy saving challenge out for yourself.

And it doesn't take much. Everyone can save money by saving energy in their home - it just takes a few small and simple changes.

Take a look at the energy hungry hotspots in your home, search for handy tips and hints or get some info on how to make switching energy suppliers a piece of cake. There's even a jargon buster to navigate through the lingo.

Saving money through home energy efficiency is something anyone can do. And we're with you all the way.



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